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Wondering Wednesday- Do you live in a rural or city setting?


Wondering Wednesday is a new weekly post started by my wonderful blogging friend Jessica over at A Baker’s Perspective. The idea is to give readers a chance to get to know the blogger behind all of the book reviews and other blog posts. I think this is a great idea and I’m glad to be a part of the fun 🙂

Question: Do you live in a rural or city setting?

Most definitely rural. I am NOT a city girl haha. The road I grew up on was loaded with fields and I used to play in the creek behind my parents’ house with my brothers. Most of my adult life has been spent living in two towns that are quite similar as far as size and population. In both instances I have lived close enough to the libraries to walk, along with a few other conveniences. I don’t mind the closeness as long as it’s a small town. I’m not into the big tall buildings and crowded streets of cities. I like being close to nature trails and fields. I also prefer the sounds of crickets and raindrops to car horns and traffic.

(View from my porch)

What type of setting do YOU currently live in? Is it your favorite type of setting to be in?

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