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His Encouragement #14

his encouragement

Happy Thursday! I am blessed to be a part of a group of bloggers who feel led to share a bit of encouragement each week from the Bible. We recognize that the source of our peace, strength, and security in this life comes from Jesus, and we aim to share that with our readers. Plus, when Thursday comes around, we can all use a little encouragement right? I hope that this posting blesses you and that you find strength and peace in the Lord today ❤

This week I’m sharing:

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.
psalm 62:1 (ESV)

For someone with a brain that often runs 1000 miles a minute, rest seems like a pretty desirable concept. This past week I ended up with a concussion after receiving an elbow to my head playing Ultimate Frisbee with some friends. Let’s just say rest is pretty much all I’ve been able to do. Thinking actually somehow feels like it hurts my brain. The first few days I literally camped out on my couch with a blanket covering my face so the light wouldn’t bother me. I wasn’t even able to read for a few days after. It’s been really weird for me to experience a brain that I can’t seem to turn on, when most days I’m begging it to turn off.

Thankfully most of the posts I intended on posting this week I already had completed ahead of time, so I’ve just been able to click “publish” all week. Not so for today though. I decided I wanted a verse about rest. I read this verse and it just really resonated with me. When the world is crazy, I can still have rest knowing that salvation comes from God, and that the little things I find myself worrying over mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. If I want to find rest, I need to look to what I can find rest in. While I admit having a brain that’s basically shut off for a week has bothered me because of how weird that is for me, I have to also say that it’s also been nice to not be bombarded with anxious thoughts (especially when trying to fall asleep). This is a verse that could definitely be helpful for me to meditate on.

Sorry it’s a bit of a quick one this week, but I hope it blesses and encourages you the same. This week I’m ending with the song Be Still My Soul by Kari Jobe. I hope you can take a moment to listen to it and meditate on it.

Now, it’s your turn!

What Biblical verse is encouraging you today?

And, check out more Thursday Encouragement from my fellow blogger friends:

Nicole @ Christian Fiction Girl

Trisha @ Joy of Reading

Jacquelyn @ A Heavenly Home

Jessica @ A Baker’s Perspective

Jenny @ Author Jenny Lynn

If you would like to join us: please contact Trisha or Nicole



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